House & Garden Soil B, 1000 L

Soil A&B provides balanced nutrition for enriched soils, and contains every essential
nutrient, including a significant amount of calcium.

About Product

House & Garden A&B Soil Base Nutrient is designed to be used only in soil or high-quality soil blends. The unique composition of soil particles and existing mineral content requires an extremely precise composition of the fertiliser compounds to ensure that soil and nutriment is used to the full potential.

Application Rates

Seedlings and Cuttings

Add 1 tsp (5 ml) per gallon.

Mature Vegetative and Flowering Plants

Add 1 tsp - 1 TBS (5 - 15 ml) per gallon.

Soil Use

Alternate watering fertilizer solution and pure water every one to two days or as plants require.

Product Information

House & Garden Soil Base Nutrient is composed of liquid nutrients and trace elements and contains no bulking agents. It is comprised of all essential mineral macro and trace elements and various chelating agents (humic and fulvic acids). These nutrients have been precisely blended to allow for rapid plant absorption.

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